Neuroscience and psychology the root of evil and good
Things about neuroscience and psychology that you MUST know!

Soooo what exactly is neuroscience and psychology? Rumours had it,saying that people who are psychologist have mental health and are helping crazy people! Wow! What a myth! But you got em all wrong!Here are what they actually are!
Neuroscience-> A study of human brain complexity
Psychology-> A study of human behaviour
In high school,basics of neuroscience has been taught to us which is the simpliest cell of a neuron,not more than that.To be honest,there is more than meets the eye. Those neurons aren't just a cell but it is what shapes our reality and consciousness views of the world!

This field though has its scientific research origins,also serves as GOOD and also BAD to the world.What would be the bad and the good?
Lets start off with the good side! Me,as an aircraft engineering student benefit alot from learning both neuroscience and psychology.It teaches me to understand more of ourselves and have sympathic feelings for others.YES,its true tho.Learning neuroscience enhances our understanding of the world we live in especially my triggered responses when I feel angry,sad or happy.As for psychology,I learn how am I able to interact well with other human beings as in social life.

My understanding of both neuro and psych REDUCES my dependment on other humans but rather being independant of my life which I myself create!
The magic of psychology,is that we can get as many people to be influenced and make friends with us especially if your FRIENDLY and kind to others!
Besides that,your relationships ought to be better tho.Some might say that it is way insane.Some psychologist have relationships problem too! So does it mean that I lied?No i dont,it's just that they didnt seem to understand what their partners wanted or maybe they have that egocentric view where they expected more love from their partners rather than giving love!
Sometimes,we find out in life that it is hard to cure depression,stresses,problems that arises in life which relates to emotion stuff.BUT do you know that if we could identify what trigger our emotion through the understanding of neuroscience,it shall be solved there and then! How? Well for example if you understand how your emotions work, you know which part of the brain triggers that. In the future,you know what you must do,in order NOT to trigger that part! Simple right? Yep easy as picking a stick
Now for the evil part.Which part of scientific findings never contributes to evil?Yes,it always has been contributing to evil massacre for the purpose of GREED and POWER such that the invention of Atomic bomb,which has greatly cause major destruction to Hiroshima once upon a time,killing millions of innocent people.Not awesome dude.
a.The invention of social media.
-What else if it weren't for social medias?It made us express about our life stories to strangers which we arent supposed to! People could take advantage out of you by giving fake information,like fake relationships! fake images! Everything extremely FAKE.Do you know that Mark Zuckerberg was smart enough to invent the LIKE button for facebook just to make people addicted to that simple yet rather destructive button?Mark was smart tho,he knew that inventing that button would turn us humans into some addictive beings for being popular in social media platform.The release of dopamine and serotonin explains,why we seek addiction for likes *sighs*
b.The invention of games
-During my time as a little boy,I never had the chance to play with interactive gadgets like iPad,Laptops and such.All I wanted as a child is only TOYS which i can play with,and enhance my cognitive skills as I learn the mechanism of my toys.How about gadgets?Games?What has it affected to youngsters these days?Yes,folks.They spent most of their time on games which make their life not productive and very much lifeless.Of course they're lifeless.Dont they have something healthy to do? Science explains that as you win a game,it triggers your brain to play more because winning a game produces dopamine.That lil tricky hormone,led you to an endless hours of match to get a rush of dopamines.
To sum things up,there has been alot of things going on with the world nowdays.But because of how intelligent are the elites,they invented these platforms to make us dumber yet foolish.From endless hours of gaming to numbers of mental illness increasing from time to time and all I can say is that,stop using those devices! They are all mind-controlled stuffs.Don't be the foolish one.Be the wise ones,to be able to learn that field and make good use of it!
If ya need any consultation or help just contact me via whatsapp at: +601111381467
PS; I am giving out consultations who seriously need help for 3.63Dollars!
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